Confidence and Safety: The Benefits of Self-Defence Classes
Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, those magical chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. So, as you're perfecting your jabs and uppercuts, you're also giving your stress levels a healthy beatdown. Plus, knowing you have the tools to handle tricky situations can ease the anxiety that often accompanies the unknown.
Read moreLosing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
Read moreYour pet is your mirror
Communicating successfully with our pets is an age-old topic of fascination. In the majority of cases, the direction is us trying to get a message across to our pets – except in those classic cases when you feel like your animal friend is ‘trying to tell you something’. But the ways in which pets provide feedback may go much deeper than that
Read moreWhy should you think about taking up traditional Taekwondo?
Engaging in regular physical activity like Taekwondo can be a great way to relieve stress.
Read moreDiscover the Benefits of Karate
The journey through karate schools entails setting and achieving goals, advancing through belt ranks with unwavering dedication. This experience instills the importance of goal setting and persistence, crafting versatile individuals.
Read moreHow does laser tattoo removal work?
Let’s first understand how tattoos work. The tattoo pigment is placed in the Dermis. This is the deeper layers of the skin, and the ink particles cannot be absorbed by the body here. This makes the ink permanent. Tattoo laser removal works by directing the laser light onto the tattoo. The laser light is set at wavelengths depending on the ink colour. Black ink is the easiest to remove or fade. Reds, blues, and greens can take a little longer. The tattoo ink absorbs the laser light, and the ink particles are shattered into tiny little particles.
Read moreHypnotherapy to deal with pain
We are all familiar with medication to deal with pain, however hypnosis is the most frequently cited form of non-pharmacologic cognitive pain control. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is where one's attention is focused; this creates an environment in which the brain can process information to bring about beneficial changes in a person. This essay explores how hypnosis can be used for pain.
Read morePreparing for a half marathon (21km) race
Half Marathon season usually runs through the colder months but you should bargain on at least 3 months of training required, even if from a standing start. Literally, you are not running and then you run a half marathon 3 months later. I have run the SMH half marathon and the Blackmores half marathon now a number of times in sub 2 hours, not a great time but OK. As a beginner moving to intermediate running these are my half marathon running tips.
Read moreAbout kinesiology and what it does to your body
Kinesiology looks at the body as a whole - Mind, Body and Spirit, as one unit. If there is an imbalance in one area then it’s probably impacting the other areas. Kinesiology, through muscle monitoring allows us to determine where these imbalances are without the need for conscious awareness. This article explains why.
Read moreDepression and deficiency of nutrients in the body
Depression is not only a mood or a lack of interest in life. Depression can be caused by attacks on our immune system by inflammation in the body. The depressive symptoms can be a bi-product of the lack of certain nutrients that the body is failing to absorb.
Read moreFull Moon Eclipse - I forgive, I heal, I set myself free
Forgiveness “When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.”-Nelson Mandela.
Read moreHow a massage can help your pregnancy
Pregnancy can often be a confusing time. Physical changes, varying hormonal levels, emotional upheaval can be mixed with feelings of joy and excitement. This article explores how massage can help you to relax, and other ways it can improve your pregnancy.
Read moreHow To Survive Mother's Day With A Difficult Mother
Some adult daughters have difficult relationships with their mum, still seeking their mother’s approval for their career, for their love interests, for her acceptance and unconditional love. They revert to being a child in their mother’s presence, wanting mum to nurture and encourage them, maintaining hope that mum will hold the little girl in her lap of tenderness, stroking her fondly, speaking gently from doting mother to her adoring child. This is the fantasy that adult daughters dream about.
Read moreNew Research Reveals the Secret To Happiness
The General Social Survey is reported to be one of the best sources of US happiness data. The most recent survey shows the top three things that impact people’s happiness most are health, relationships and financial circumstances:
Read moreHow yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
Read more3 tips to decluttering your life
Spring time normally brings about better weather and an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors again, and the desire shared by many to “declutter their lives”. Clearing clutter improves our physical space, health and wellbeing, builds clarity and allows us to feel more organised in our lives, and creates a sense of tranquility and calm. These three tips will help you to declutter your physical, emotional and mental spaces so you can reap the benefits.
Read moreThe true reasons personal training works (& it's not why you think)
Pretty simple and no great revelation but in practice scheduling and committing to a workout matters a lot, and for most people it's the greatest challenge. There’s no other way forward with regards to significantly improving your fitness or body composition other than consistent exercise sessions accumulated over time. Intensity, exercise selection and brilliant technique will never be a substitute for turning up.
Both osteopathy and chiropractic services can be invaluable complementary medicines alongside professional medical guidance. However, since choosing between them can be a challenge, it’s always advisable to consult either a professional physician/doctor or a local osteopath/chiropractor for more specific guidance on their unique range of services.
Read moreFastest Way to Reduce Anxiety
You will feel better, your body will thank you, and your coping skills will rise.Good chance those around you will also appreciate your increased calmness.
Read moreA little gratitude goes a long way
We can help kids understand what gratitude is and how to express it authentically by modelling it ourselves. Cultivating gratitude takes time and effort. By starting gratitude practices at an early age we are providing the motivation and skills they need to lead a meaningful life.
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