How yoga and mindfulness can help kids with Asthma
Inversions are a great way to shift excess mucus from the lungs and balance out the immune system; they’re also fun to do. Most age groups can practice Supported Shoulderstand or Legs Up The Wall. Both Downward-Facing Dog and Bridge pose are inversion too.
Read moreFastest Way to Reduce Anxiety
You will feel better, your body will thank you, and your coping skills will rise.Good chance those around you will also appreciate your increased calmness.
Read moreThe (Im)possibility of work-life balance
Happiness can be a delicate creature. It has to be fed, nurtured and given attention. If we are too busy to nurture it then it grows weaker. In some cases happiness becomes so weak that it seems dead, but it is merely lying dormant until it is nurtured once more. For it to remain strong we need to create and maintain a balance between things that consume our energy and things that replenish our energy. This is often referred to as work/life balance.
Read moreAbout kinesiology and what it does to your body
Kinesiology looks at the body as a whole - Mind, Body and Spirit, as one unit. If there is an imbalance in one area then it’s probably impacting the other areas. Kinesiology, through muscle monitoring allows us to determine where these imbalances are without the need for conscious awareness. This article explains why.
Read moreWhat is normal health?
The list of illnesses that plague the modern world are basically signs and symptoms that something is going wrong in our bodies, and collectively so because many people are suffering from them. The problem is we have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to eat and live a certain way, but we have abandoned that way of living and our health is declining because of it.
Read moreLooking for an alternative for your health and wellbeing?
There are so many choices for health and wellbeing; it is hard to decide what may work for you. As a practitioner in Kinesiology, Reiki and Wellbeing Coach I can share some insight. Read this article to discover what alternative therapy may be best for your health and wellbeing.
Read more10 reasons for Teenagers to attend Counselling
If you're questioning treatment for your teen, err on the side of caution and contact a professional.
Read moreRelationship Advice: How to protect your self esteem in your relationship
In my therapy practice I often see individuals excepting behaviours in relationships they would never advise a friend to accept, simply to due to the fear of rejection. One of the by-products of being a nice person is accepting less than you are worth just to either keep the peace, or to try to avoid the possibility of someone leaving you. Women and men who are more sensitive in nature (and let me note that sensitivity is not a bad trait) are the most likely candidates for this behaviour.
Read moreEveryone is a Healer
The other day I was doing our local headland walk and as I passed the playground, a three year old took a fall off his bike and grazed his knee. His dad came over to comfort him and put his hand on his knee. It was lovely to see how quickly the child turned from tears to smiles. You might also remember the comforting touch of your mum or dad when you took a fall as a kid. A parent’s touch actually helps injuries improve faster because of the healing energy that is naturally sent from the hands.
Read moreWhy should you think about taking up traditional Taekwondo?
Engaging in regular physical activity like Taekwondo can be a great way to relieve stress.
Read moreWhy we need yoga and mindfulness in Early Childhood
Mental health awareness is highlighting the many challenges that kids are facing today. Yoga and mindfulness teaches kids to love themselves as they are, it develops robust resilience and boosts self-esteem whilst creating confidence to build relationships and to reach out to ask for help when it’s needed.
Read moreF45 - Functional 45 Training
What is F45? F45 is a high intensity systemised 45 minute work out, done in a facility or studio environment. These facilities are licensed on a franchise basis by suburb. According to the F45 Training website, F45 is described as an "innovative, cost effective and incredible systemised training facility". F45 is the branchild of Luke Istomin, a Sydney Eastern Suburbs trainer and has Daniel Conn as the face of the franchise. What is a workout? There are are 800 odd filmed exercises which are shown on large screens during the workout and which are all timed, allowing each participant to work at their own time. The workouts are billed and we quote as "insane".
The Posterior Chain is also important in the stability of your knee, hips and spine. Therefore, if these muscles are strong, it may result in a decreased risk of both sporting and general injury.
Read moreJust breathe – 3 calming techniques for you and your child
Check-in with yourself in this very moment. How are you feeling right now? Take a minute to watch what your breath is doing. If you are relaxed you will find that your breath is slow and calm. If you’re having a difficult day you may find that your breath is short and shallow. Our breath centres how we feel and it influences how we respond to what is happening around us.
Read more5 great things about mobile personal training
'Functional fitness' is a trendy term. Basically it means you exercise in a way which is more like movements you do in daily life. This includes picking things up, putting things down, getting up and down from a chair.
Read moreFull Moon Eclipse - I forgive, I heal, I set myself free
Forgiveness “When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.”-Nelson Mandela.
Read moreWhy your hypnotherapist should be trained in counselling
Depending on the issue(s) that you’re coming to hypnotherapy for, there’s a good chance that you will need to also receive counselling support to address the full extent of the problem so that hypnotherapy can be as effective as possible. If this doesn’t happen, it’s unlikely that hypnotherapy alone will be able to successfully treat your problem(s) and in some cases, it can actually make things worse. This article discusses why.
Read moreHow a massage can help your pregnancy
Pregnancy can often be a confusing time. Physical changes, varying hormonal levels, emotional upheaval can be mixed with feelings of joy and excitement. This article explores how massage can help you to relax, and other ways it can improve your pregnancy.
Read moreAre you suffering Adenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is a condition that turns up when we need it least - when we're stressed! Many people may experience these symptoms and think it's associated with depression or another issue, and try to resolve the symptoms rather than permanently fixing the real problem. If you suffer from three or more of the symptoms in this article, you may be suffering from adrenal insufficiency or fatigue.
Read moreMental illness - how it impacts people
It is time to educate yourselves and see mental illness for what it is and find acceptance in the reality that it is a different type of Illness that exists among human beings. If you have mental illness, it is time you knew this truth also. The stigma that is present is only present due to lack of education on the topic, therefore causing ignorance. This article looks at what it is about mental illness that is affecting people.
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